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    latin girlsomf on 2019-07-03 17:21:48

    Romeo looks for love VIDEO

    Romeo is the last known leftover Sehuencas Water Frog. Bolivian conservationists have set up an online dating profile for Romeo in an effort to help find him a own this off super heavy or anything, But I'm literally the last of my species, His account reads. Know consuming stuff. But that's why I'm on here in hopes of finding my perfect match so we can save our own kind (No amount of pressure ;)). Says he a real guy who keeps to himself and likes the waters around me. The aim is to get $15,000 by valentine Day.Aside via internet, Romeo internet dating friends are also scouring rivers and streams for a suitable female to carry on the species.Matias Careaga / Global Wildlife conservation"Romeo started to call for a mate about a year after he was brought into captivity, But those calls have slowed in recent years, preservation scientist Arturo Munoz said. "We continue latino dating to remain hopeful that others are out there so we can establish a conservation breeding programme to save this species.When Romeo was collected 10 long ago, research workers knew the species was in trouble, But Munoz said they no idea we wouldn't be able to find a single other individual in all this time.