Kalvakuntla Taraka Ramarao / KTR Phone Numbers , Tollfree Helpline Number 040-23555798

Epaper Contact Number Date: 05/24/2024
We are here to provide KTR phone number. So let me clarify that how these numbers are useful for you. The state’s IT department is running so many programs for unemployed youths and determined to make accessible skill development projects for everyone. So you can join hand with them and get benefited. These numbers are also useful for those youths, who are living in the rural areas of the state. They will make contact directly with state’s IT department and know about it. Therefore, you will find that these numbers are important for all those people who are residing in the state.

Kalvakuntla Taraka Ramarao / KTR Phone Numbers

S.NO. Name Phone Numbers
1. K.T Rama Rao Office Number 040-23555798
2. K.T Rama Rao Mobile Number 9490866666
3. K.T Rama Rao Residence Phone Number
4. Personal Secretory
Phone Number 9502421398
5. Additional Personal Secretory Number

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