Simplex Mills Company Ltd Tollfree Helpline Number +91 22 23082951

Member Contact Details Date: 05/23/2024
Incorporated in 1998, Simplex Mills Company Ltd manufactures and trades in textile products.

Company is a manufacturer of industrial cloth & cotton yarn. It supplies and manufactures blended and 100% cotton processed, grey fabrics, cotton & blended warp/weft yarn
for weaving and special industrial application oriented fabrics as per technical specification.

Simplex Realty Limited
Corporate Identification Number : L17110MH1912PLC00035

Registered Address:
30, Keshavrao Khadye Marg,
Sant Gadge Maharaj Chowk.
Mumbai – 400011.
Tel : +91 22 23082951
Fax : +91 22 23072773
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